Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Fun to Run.

Well, not ALL the time, but when the race involves breakfast obstacles or a zombie apocalypse it can be. Since my college soccer career ended, I've mostly been running to stay in shape. I enjoy it on most days, but on others going for even a three mile run seems like such a daunting task. This morning, I came across this article "Crazy Races that are Fun to Run." Now I have heard of the Tough Mudder and other obstacle course races, but these ones were pretty wild. They seem like they would be a blast! I think I'll have to add one of these to my bucket list. Maybe this one: Run For Your Lives.


  1. Ooooh! I've actually heard of this! Do you think you'd actually do it?

  2. Sam I totally relate! I've been trying to become a runner and, while sometimes I'm pumped to get outside, other days I find myself coming up with excuses. The Color Run is another race that looks like a blast. It's only a 5K and seems like it's a great way to keep the athlete's energy up. I'm curious, what do you do when you're feeling sluggish? Sometimes I can't snap myself out of it!

  3. Trevor, I can't do the one in Boston because it is during the school year, but I definitely want to do one of these races. A friend of mine did the Tough Mudder back in November, and a couple of my other friends are into the idea, too. I'll probably look more into it once I've settled in at grad school and get a feeling of when it is OK to take time off of work.

    Catherine, my goal is to never go more than 2 days in a row without going for a run or going to the gym. So if I go on Sunday, I have to go again on Wednesday at the latest. It's a pretty reasonable goal, so I got into the habit of doing it pretty quickly. Now, when I don't want to go for a run I just tell myself that I've been doing so well and I can't break my streak now. I was really feeling sluggish Monday, but I needed to go to the gym (hadn't done anything on Sat or Sun), so in the morning before I headed to campus I just put on work-out clothes and brought everything I needed to go to the gym. I went to the library to get some work done, and by the time I got tired of doing work, I didn't really have an excuse not to go to the gym for a little bit. Plus I always remind myself of how good I feel afterwards.

    1. By the way, I do not run very far--only about 3-5 miles. If I'm feeling really sluggish I just go for a little shorter run. I need to start working on longer runs though. They just take up so much time!
